Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog in the Making

A reader commented that Prozac may not be appropriate to use for a blog title, as it connotes drug dependence and psychological incapacity. If you Google the term it will show you results that talk about manic depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and obsessive-compulsiveness. So, I’ll mention some about the history of the blog title, and why I finally came up doing my own blog.

I used to write for a college paper exclusive to our department – the Psychology Department. I had my own column which was a one-hit wonder (it never had a second issue), which was entitled A Dose of Prozac. Since we’re targeting Psych majors, putting a psychological term on the column title would make it more appealing to the readers, and make that distinction with the other departments. I remember my first (and only) article was about Rico Yan’s untimely death. The article wasn’t that great, I have to admit, but I was proud it got published and got read by most of my colleagues. Prozac was also a term loosely used on the show Ally Mcbeal which I deeply adored during its era. Several times when Ally was seeing her new therapist, Prozac was mentioned on the series. Because I loved Ally Mcbeal so much and because I needed to come up with a title soon, I came up with, well, the title of this blog.

Nearly 10 years after, I felt the urge to create a blog. I’ve been meaning to create a blog for the longest time, but never went about completing one. I’ve signed up with a lot of blog host sites, but the content didn’t appear until recently when I got the chance to watch Revolutionary Road in HBO. The superb performances in this movie weren’t the triggering factor, but the message that was delivered through those lines was. Many times a movie critic will say that a good movie will inspire you to write a short story right after watching the movie, I’d say a great movie will fuel you to create a blog.

I adapted the title from my college column in hope of reviving my vision for a blog that is crazier than its author. Similarly, I had to evoke the sense of wanting to belong to something so out-of-convention, that it strikes you odd and weird just like what happened to the Wheeler characters in Revolutionary Road. Sometimes, the Prozac you’ll ever need is in literary form, and in small doses, that aims to enlighten you to think out of the ordinary. Not so because you can come to your senses, but to alleviate that little craziness that is expected in each one of us.

1 comment:

  1. While I don't know if this will apply to you, but one of my primary principles in terms of blogging has always been to blog for myself. A blog is still to some extent a personal journal and you should write to fulfill your needs and not to cater to an audience. Some people like to do that, but that's not how I feel my blogging goes and so I just write what I want to. It's one of the best differences between blogging and more formal journalism.

    Just write what you feel and have fun while doing it.
