Friday, April 8, 2011

The Art of Decluttering

I've subscribed to a lot of minimalist blogs on the web. Learned a lot of tips from experts of decluterring and making life simpler, clutter-free, and lighter. Later today I will be embarking (yes, I think embark is a much appropriate term) on the biggest DECLUTTER project ever on the history of NELSON DELEON HOUSEHOLD.

First. I will get rid of my old bags. Worn out bags. Faded in color. Anything older than 5 years

Second. Have to dispose those old shoes. Well I’m thinking of donating or maybe sell on eBay, but that’s additional task that I can't manage right now

Third. Will get rid of never-been used home décor/kitchenware. Well they're worth some value so I might consider selling them. But if I can give them out then I'm more than OK with that

Fourth. CLOTHES. Yes, any wardrobe that won't fit or that I haven't worn in years would have to be out of the closet

Fifth. Paper stuff and documents. I seriously have no use for those clippings and manuals from way back when, and outdated newspaper and magazines had to go to the dumpster

Sixth. Unused beddings and pillows. As mush as I want to keep them, even with the sealed protection of a vacuum bag, I have to get rid of them. They take a lot of closet space, and I'm planning to upgrade to memory pillows eventually (just planning).

Seventh. Those CDs and DVDs have to go. What will I do with DVDs and CDs that I’m done watching and have no plans of watching ever again? Out you go…

Eight. Food in the fridge. Everything outside its shelf life will be thrown out.

Ninth. Souvenirs/memorabilia. I've got some 5 or 6 pieces of crafted mugs that we gave out during my daughters baptismal. It's been sitting there for more than 3 years now. No point in keeping them

Tenth. And the last, those electronic gadgets and accessories that are either defective or that I won't be using in the near future. I'm talking about Nokia chargers, Motorola headsets, broken Samsung and Ericsson phones, wirings of all sorts, China-made low-class battery charges, some accessories for the old iPod, etc. Hope someone out there will have to re-use them eventually

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